- Rommel in the Desert Enhanced (Columbia Games @ Kickstarter)
For this new edition of Rommel in the Desert, Columbia Games has taken great care to remake this classic game better than ever. The new Rommel map is 17x34 inches (taller than previous editions). All components have been upgraded down to the game box itself. One of the finest block games every published, don't miss out on this all new edition! [Forum]
- Pax Pamir 2nd Edition Solo Variant First Impression
- ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1, 2nd Edition (new from Multi-Man Publishing)
The Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1 is back in stock, and it's updated! This 2nd edition includes everything from the 2011 release, plus board p, and four scenarios previously found in the Beyond the Beaches ASLSK Bonus Pack. Also included are a half-sheet of counters, two Quick Reference Data Cards, one example of play/sequence of play card, one vehicle and ordnance historical notes book, and one rulebook. [Forum]
- Royal Hellenic Air Force Defends Greece 1940
- Battle of Rossbach
- Invaders from the Sea
- Black Hell: The Battle for Los Negros Island (new from High Flying Dice Games)
Black Hell: The Battle for Los Negros Island, February-March, 1944. Before fleeing Corregidor, General Douglas MacArthur pledged to return to the Philippines. It was first necessary to retake New Guinea and at least neutralize the Japanese fortified base at Rabaul. Taking the island of Los Negros and its airbase at Momote would cut off Rabaul’s ability to receivd supplies from Japan or elsewhere, and allow the US-led forces to advance for an offensive to retake the Philippines. [Forum]
- An Unpleasant and Devastating Fight (new from High Flying Dice Games)
An Unpleasant and Devastating Fight: The Battle for Sittang Bridge, February 21-22, 1942. The situation for the Allies in Burma was increasingly desperate following the Japanese invasion that began in December 1941. After nearly a month of fighting the British Dominion forces were in full retreat, hoping to meet with reinforcements being rushed to the theater and to regroup behind the Sittang River. Another victory for the Japanese could lead to the capture of that major port and even more conquests by the sons from the land of the Rising Sun. [Forum]
- Bombing Bulgaria
- Canadian Crucible SCS Play Session [video]
- The Dogs of War First Look [video]
- By Stealth and Sea Review
- Ancients Replay
- Wright Tries the Union Center
- History and War
- War in the Balkans
- Catherine the Great’s Wars
- Homemade Sumo Wrestling Miniatures Rules [video]
- Invasion Cuba 1961-1962 First Look [video]
- Compass Games Live, Episode 47 [video]