- Versailles 1919 Review
- Triumph & Tragedy PBEM: The Umpire’s View
- Tobruk: The Desert Rats Defy Rommel 1941
- The Battle for Rome, September 1943
- Care of the American Revolutionary Soldiers
- Continental Army Logistics
- World at War, Issue 74: Munich War 1938 (new from Decision Games)
Munich War 1938 is a two player operational level simulation of a hypothetical World War II in Europe that began in the fall of 1938. The assumption is that the British and French governments did not back down at the September 1938 Munich conference when Hitler demanded the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and instead went to war with the Third Reich. The ensuing conflict finds the powers partially prepared for war. [Forum]
- Pavlov’s House Replay
- Only Wargame News, Episode 1 [video]
- Versailles 1919 – Solo Variant First Impression
- Commands & Colors Ancients Replay
- Starship Troopers First Look [video]
- Dawn’s Early Light: The War of 1812 (new from Compass Games)
Dawn’s Early Light: The War of 1812 is a two-player card-driven grand strategy game: a quick-playing, high-level abstract recreation of the entire conflict encompassing the territorial, naval, political, and economic competition between the United States and Great Britain. This deluxe game features a mounted game map, large 5/8" punch out counters, and covers the four-year period spanning the war and its prelude, with game cards for events and operations that offer players the tools to remix the entire scope of the conflict. [Forum]
- Want to Learn How the Pentagon Works? Then Play This Board Game
- Commands & Colors Medieval Replay
- GMT Games Guilford First Look [video]
- The Conquistadors (Compass Games @ Kickstarter)
A game simulating the Spanish conquest of the Americas from 1518-1548. In the half-century after Columbus, small bands of daring Spanish adventurers conquered Central and South America, destroying the huge armies of long-established native empires in the process. Some won great fortunes in gold, while many others only died an early death. These men were The Conquistadors. In this partly card-driven, partly procedural game —a brand-new design from Jon Southard — one to five players each control a group of conquistadors, trying to discover and loot the civilizations of the Americas and end up with the most gold and power. [Forum]
- The Troubles – Event Card Spoilers
- Dunkirk: France 1940 Review
- Commands & Colors Tricorne: Jacobite Rising Replay