- La Grande Armee 1805 Game Replay
- The Blitzkrieg Legend: The Battle for France, 1940 Game Replay
- Imperial Struggle Review
- At All Costs! The Great War in the East Game Replay
- GBACW Dead of Winter Play Session [video]
- Axis Empire: Dai Senso Play Session [video]
- Lion Rampant Medieval Minis Play Session [video]
- Commands & Colors Ancients Play Session [video]
- Fire in the Lake Play Session [video]
- 1914 Twilight in the East Livestream Play Session [video]
- Red Poppies Campaigns Vol. 3: Assault Artillery! (new from Compass Games)
Assault Artillery! is the third volume in the popular Red Poppies Campaigns game series. This is a standalone game; ownership of previous volumes in the series is not required. This game recounts the Battle of La Malmaison, 23-27 October 1917, in which the French employed their Artillerie Spéciale (tank force) and creeping barrage to capture Pinon, Vaudesson, and the coveted Chemin des Dames ridge. [Forum]
- Mutiny on the Lennie
- RAF Fighter Command Operations 1944-45 North-West Europe
- German in Signals Intelligence Russia
- Hit and Miss in the Far East
- The Big Red One First Look [video]
- Warriors of God Review
- Arabian Nightmare Replay
- Brotherhood & Unity First Look [video]
- No Enemies Here: Interview with game designer, David Thompson [video]