- Introducing Wing Leader: Origins
- Jutland: Battle Analysis 1914 Designer Review
- The Cruel Sea Design Notes
- SWWAS: Eastern Fleet, Second Edition (new from Avalanche Press)
- Panzer Grenadier: La Campagne de Tunisie Expansion (new from Avalanche Press)
- The Battle of Sheipoo
- The British Mercantile Marine and Fishing Fleets WWI
- Louis XIV: The French Army
- Centurion Engineers’ Tanks
- Why Was the First Battle of the Marne so Significant? [video]
- SPQR Unboxing [video]
- Hollandspiele Episode 84 [podcast]
- Vietnam 1965-1975 Replay [video]
- Visiting Columbia Games at Gen Con 2019 [video]
- Nemo’s War, Second Edition Replay
- Faith: The cat who defied the London Blitz
- Churchill in the trenches
- Talon 1000 Review
- Fields of Fire Replay
- Yom Kippur Replay