- France 1940 Replay
- GrogCast Season 5, Episode 7 Podcast
- GMT Games Company Update
- Georgii Isserson (1898–1976)
- Punta Delgada, 1582
- Reiters in French Service
- Defending the Indefensible – Hong Kong
- Sardinia: Second Punic War
- War Diary Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 1 (new issue)
- St. Clair’s Folly (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Battle of the Wabash River, 1791. In 1790 a small force of militia and US Regulars under General Harmer were soundly defeated by the Miami at the Maumee River near their main settlement of Kekionga. Alarmed, the US Congress and President Washington authorized the mobilization of an even larger force, this time to be led by the Territory’s first Governor and General of the Army, Arthur St. Clair. This would be the first full scale conflict waged by the new nation, and President Washington was very much concerned about the risks such an undertaking involved. Also recommended: cards exclusively designed for this game are also available separately. [Forum]
- A Dark and Bloody Battleground (new from High Flying Dice Games)
The Battle for Kekionga, October 22, 1790. The struggle for the Old Northwest Territory (what would become the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin) was terribly violent. Massacres and atrocities seemed to follow one upon the other and in 1790 the new US Government authorized its first war against the Native Americans for control of the region. A force of US regulars and militia from Kentucky, Ohio and Pennsylvania gathered at Cincinnati and drove on the Miami’s main settlement of Kekionga. Also recommended: cards exclusively designed for this game are also available separately. [Forum]
- John Paul Jones
- Meet the Copperheads
- Operation Starlite
- Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62 Unboxing [video]
- Merrill’s Marauders: Commandos in Burma 1943-1944 Review
- The Siege of Tsingtau: The German-Japanese War 1914 Book Review
- Terraforming Mars Review
- Joraku Preview [video]
- Rising Sun Preview [video]