- Caesar’s War: The Conquest of Gaul, 58-52 BC Review
- Target for Today Replay
- Nemo’s War, 2nd Edition Review
- Operation Unthinkable: Churchill’s World War III (new from Hollandspiele)
- USN Deluxe Replay
- Target: Leningrad Replay [video]
- Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1 Review
- Nemo’s War, 2nd Edition Review
- Napoleon’s Triumph Replay
- Red Typhoon Replay
- Panzer Leader Replay
- Lee’s Last Command
Part 1 | Part 2
- Battle Group Peiper 1943
- Early Russian Armoured Cars
- Braddock’s Battle
- Caesar Conquers the Ptolemys
- First Strike at Truk 1944
- The French Navy 1914-18
- Army of the Tennessee
- The art and craft of making board games for the CIA