- Mark Simonitch’s Hannibal & Hamilcar
- Bloody Monday (VentoNuovo Games @ Kickstarter)
gamers are presented with a truly playable approach to the Battle of Borodino, where each side has options for winning which are not just "try to bleed less than the other side." VentoNuovo's latest Kickstarter uses large, 20mm wooden blocks and PVC stickers to present the biggest battle of 1812 (and the single bloodiest day in all the Napoleonic Wars), including a large, highly textured map that redraws some of the familiar ground in new ways, thanks to a blend of recent studies and little-used original documents. [Forum]
- Afghanistan ’11 App Review
- Risorgimento 1859 Review
- The Siege of Jerusalem, 3rd Edition Replay
- Triumph of Chaos, 2nd Edition Playtest Session Report
- Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1 Replay
- Theater of Operations App Review
- Napoleon’s Quagmire Replay [video]
- 7th Cavalry Review [video]
- Allenby Takes Command
- British and Arab Forces Liberate Damascus
- Bomber Command: To War
- Cyrus and the Achaemenids
- French Airpower 1918
- Before the Sinking of Prince of Wales and Repulse
- Hobbyists experience war in miniature
- Festung Europa Review [video]
- 1453: The Fall of Constantinople and the end of the Roman Empire
- Fortunate Sons (new from High Flying Dice Games)