- Arab-Israeli War of 1948–49
- Japanese Banzai on Okinawa
- EFS Barbarossa: Army Group South, 1941 Play Tutorial [video]
- Paris Is Worth a Mass Playtest Replay
- Longstreet Attacks: Gettysburg (Revolution Games Preorder)
- The Origins of CDG? Up Front Review
- Clash of Giants: Civil War Review
- The Lamps Are Going Out Replay
- Combat Commander: Europe Review
- Enemy Coast Ahead Replay
- Enemy Coast Ahead Unboxing [video]
- What it took to sink the Japanese Yamato
- The China War Replay
- The Battle of the Alma Replay
- Zaporozhye 1943 Replay
- Miracle on the Marne (new from One Small Step)
- The Second World War (new from One Small Step)
- Thunder in the Ozarks Replay
- Magic Realm Replay
- Kings of War Historical Minis Review